Every shelter home would suffer from financial problems, unless it gets enough supports from general public. Brindavanam Old Age Home, for renting the building alone consumes one third of the running cost. Salaries to the staff, cost of groceries, medicines and bed-care pharma materials take another big part of the monthly budget. In fact, the heartfelt volunteers are the wealth of our Brindavanam Old Age home.
Our volunteers are the wealth of the Brindavanam Old Age Home. They realises this charity mission is run with 100% transparency.
(Brindavanam Trust looks forward to support under CSR for the future projects)
You can sponsor special meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) on your special occasions.
We cook for 90 people here, which include food for full-time staff and volunteers.
We give bed-care facility to immobile elders. Adult diaper, under-pad, body wipes, gloves, powder, etc. are always required.
For a normal elder's monthly expense is Rs.7,000/- for bed care patient it is Rs.12,000/-, you can adopt a destitute elder.